Submit a Freebie

Thank you for your interest in submitting your free printable or resource at Thrifty Homeschoolers. We are a Christian website, run by a pastor’s wife. While not everything on the site will be Christian-based, nothing opposing our beliefs will be published. We also do not allow Halloween themed products on our site (ghosts, goblins, witches, etc.), We will, however, accept posts with pumpkins, bats and spiders, so long as no references to Halloween are made.

Please note: This must be written in 3rd person as it will post from Annette. Your submission must include full HTML.

We send our email newsletters to around 30,000 subscribers every Monday and Thursday where we will share about your special offer.

**No affiliate links or round-up posts allowed!**

  • Please use a unique post title for your freebie.
  • Please choose one category that best describes your freebie.
  • This is the actual post content. HTML is required to keep the formatting and links in tact. If you use WordPress, you can go into "text" mode when you edit the post and copy the HTML. Please be sure to read the requirements at the top for the best chances of getting your post published.
  • Please enter any tags or keywords, not used in the category selection, separated by commas.
  • Please upload a thumbnail for your post. A perfect square works best, with a minimum of 450x450 pixels.

    NOTE:This is NOT the featured image which should be included in the HTML above, this is ONLY for the thumbnail.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.